Good afternoon lovely visitors <3
Today I went to school, and after school my boyfriend picked me up. We went toghether to his home and ate "New York Pizza" together. Hihi, I no it's not very romantic, but that's just what we like! Just being together, hugging and enjoy each others company <3
We both really like New York Pizza! Hihi, and of course we love each other! The only downside of New York Pizza is that it's very expensive. That's why we only eat it if there's something to celebrate. We often use our relationship as an excuse! Every month on the 4th, we've been a month longer in our relationship. So that's a good excuse to eat New York Pizza, haha! So, Sunday 04-12-2011 we've been in a relationship for 11 months! The reason why we were celebrating it today, was because I don't really have time this weekend. This whole weekend I'm going to my family, to celebre St. Nicholas. That's why I'm not allowed to see him this Sunday =[
Today I went to school, and after school my boyfriend picked me up. We went toghether to his home and ate "New York Pizza" together. Hihi, I no it's not very romantic, but that's just what we like! Just being together, hugging and enjoy each others company <3
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But let me show you what I wore today!
Well that's it for today! Tomorrow I will be very busy, so talk to you soon!
xoxo Elo <3
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